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The Married One

A ” little white lie” is defined as a minor, polite or harmless fib. Do we all tell them? Of course we do. It’s the grease that keeps the marriage engine running. But if our husband happens to tell a lie it is a complete betrayal of trust. We get indignant & suspicious! Who decides whether a lie is small?  When we sneak a new purchase into the house, is that a lie or just an omission?  When he asks,” is that new? We reply, “oh no, it’s been in the closet for years.” When he buys you a gift  you tell him it’s exactly what you wanted.  Are these white lies? What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him or you. Sometimes what you don’t say says it all!


The Single One

What is a white lie in the dating world? I forgot to tell you about my wife, live in girlfriend, or that I’m semi-separated. The lines are blurred. There is the married guy who is just sad, bored & confused so he justifies dating, or the ambivalent one who wants to date you but needs enticing , or the overt married and aggressive one who is ready and willing to play anytime. Do they all fall into the white lie domain? Are these omissions or careful and strategic lies? Probably better to sneak in extra shopping bags. That will be way less expensive than getting caught in the marriage loop.



Get Personal

Get Personal



Whether Married or Single…


Whether married or single there is a common bond between women. Shopping! We came across an article that is so personal we have to share it with you. A pill prescribed to treat Alzheimer’s was also discovered to possibly treat shopaholics! We’re not implying this reflects us. After an 8 week study women were prone to shop less and the “must have” impulses lessened. Unfortunately, a side effect was an insatiable need to buy more pills!!!



Get Personal

Get Personal



The Single One

When did Sunday night grocery shopping become a social event? It is now part of the dating arena. Get your date while you shop! Adds a whole new dimension to “picking up” groceries. I saw a guy walk in alone, leave with a date, and have coffee in Pete’s on the way out with her – that is the essence of one stop shopping. It also means you can’t stroll through in sweats. Back to the heels. Of course I did wear my salsa shoes in lieu of flats. While the “Married One” contemplates her alone time, Sunday night shopping is all about not being alone.


The Married One

Being married is bliss. The two of you together -always! Under the same roof, sharing meals together, discussing feelings. Darling, is everything all right? Then the marital shift – please go away! Doesn’t everyone need time alone? I want to lie in that bubble bath until my finger tips turn to prunes! Maybe read a book. A trashy book! Luckily, my husband loves being alone. So much so that I begin to worry. Why doesn’t he want to be with me? What’s wrong? Single, married, alone time – what is the perfect balance?