Get Personal

Get Personal


The Married One…

We talk to our cat or dog like they are humans. We love them. We tell them our problems, ask if they like our outfits and snuggle up close at night. You know what they hear?  Blah, blah,  fish, blah, blah, dog bone! Does your husband listen? Really listen? Why is it he only hears what he wants? The trouble with men is that they listen with their ears, the trouble with women is that they talk with their hearts. When a woman says “words cannot express what I feel, she means it.” What a man hears is blah, blah, blah, Yea! Sex!


The Single One…

Sunday Night Single at Whole Foods. This is so depressing. First you have to start with the mini cart. Then you get the “little chicken.” You have to buy everything in the small plastic containers. A severe single jolt. My cart was laden with carbs – is that the comfort food concept for being single or the new healthy diet plan? You can also dine while you grocery shop, it makes you feel like you’re not eating alone. Or – just get glazed donuts and call it a night.







Get Personal

Get Personal


Who’s got your back?












Married or single we need girlfriends to lean on. Whether gossiping (we never do that!), exchanging beauty tips, revealing insecurities, shopping excursions (honestly do I look fat?), sexual escapades (you did what!) Close girlfriends come in small numbers, if you are lucky. Can we ask our boyfriends /husbands the following things?  What should I wear, let’s discuss the thong issue (yes, it hurts) did you buy new mascara, face cream, shoes…. should I tell him the truth, sexual positions (girls, we all talk about sex) and a million other things. Even with personality differences, we all want a really good friend to empathize with us. There is a saying, “Friends are allowed to f…and we’re still friends. Please contact us and share your favorite friendship stories.



Get Personal

Get Personal

The Married One…

A guilty secret I want to share- my favorite item of clothing. It goes on in the morning & at night. The  green bathrobe! The equivalent of a baby’s blankie! Makes me feel warm, safe and comfortable. I never knew how much R hated it until he shared his funny rendition with friends one night.”She wears the same  bathrobe over and over. Would a single woman do that?” The next morning I threw it out as he declared, “No, I was just kidding!” Think I succumbed to this harassment? I did what any independent woman with a sense of style would do… I went out and bought a blue one. I now wear that every morning and every… (notice I didn’t mention what I wore underneath?) Share your favorite item of clothing. Contact us



The Single One…

If I wore a ratty green bathrobe I would be dateless. Instead I spend many days wandering through Victoria Secret. Trying on lingerie in order to be prepped for that hot date or new boyfriend. Wow, how long do you have to wait until you can snuggle up in a bathrobe? Perhaps lingerie layered beneath it and 5 inch heels makes the fluffy bathrobe come to life. Does lingerie enter the picture every time there is a potential new boyfriend? In the single world, great lingerie probably has a longer duration than a boyfriend. Who knew lingerie could have such a positive return on investment!