Get Personal

Get Personal


To whine or to wine? We know how easy it is to whine to our mate. Your socks are on the floor, you’re snoring, you won’t give up the remote; every day little things! We love you dearly. Sadly, we even sound “whiny” to ourselves! How about making some “wine” together. To create the perfect blend is to put aside all your little issues and take a little bit of this and a little bit of that to create a perfect balance, a taste where you both agree. Think about that dinner for two, popping the cork of something you made together. Finish the bottle… you will definitely ignore the socks and not even hear the snores!



What is a text bomber? Have you ever been inundated with late night texts? A first thought is “wow” he’s thinking of me all night long. Do you think you are the only one? Apparently not. The same text is circling in space to multiple women.  It’s a numbers game… He’s hoping that someone will succumb to his late night lure. They try to wear you down.  A sad but effective strategy. Perhaps we need the text bomb firewall for our phones, just like the net nanny firewall we have implemented for our kid’s computer. Here’s a novel thought… just call us!



Get Personal

Get Personal

The Single One

Remember when you climbed out your window at night in high school? Oh come on girls – was I the only one that did that? How do you duplicate that now in the single world. Only one way… a spontaneous late night rendezvous! The thrill is exhilarating. Skipping down the street at midnight.  What happens next? Can you maintain that level of spontaneity and free spirit with a new date? Who knows?  So just play a little in the single battlefield. Life is tenuous – be impulsive. There are no metals for waiting!


Can you maintain a level of spontaneity when married? The familiarity of living with someone day in and day out.  You know his habits, what he might say before he says it, what he likes & dislikes.  You know the cute way he sneezes, the not so cute way he may snore,  the every day living that comes with marriage.  It’s your comfort zone. One of many nice things about being married.  The regularity of routine. The smell that is only his and now yours. So maybe spontaneity is not exactly the right word. You can still meet at twelve midnight.  Only now you do the meeting in bed.  Same guy, day in and day out…you can still play.  Only now it’s a different game!





Get Personal

Get Personal


The Married One


You hate her. She might be more successful, thinner, blonder and smarter! Or perhaps she is exotic looking. You’ve never met her. Who is she? This mysterious stranger that occasionally enters your home. It’s the Ex’s-  as in ex- girlfriends. It is a known fact or so they say that these women made your husband into the man he is today. Is he great in bed? Opens car doors? Brings you coffee in bed? Someone taught him! As Ron says, ” Who I am is where I’ve been.” So instead of getting jealous say thank you to all the ex’s.They did a great job!

The Single One


What is the lowest level criterion for dating? The unavailable guy! That generally means he’s married, has a girlfriend that he didn’t disclose, or is just out of the country. Can you actually find someone that is unattached and available? What are the chances that 2 people can meet at exactly at the same time and both be unattached? Is it a statistical impossibility? If the statistics are stacked against us – what do you do? Do you think I have the answer? If so, I wouldn’t be standing solo in the above picture.