Get Personal

Get Personal


The Married One

You know you are married to the right guy when:

Your husband sits through the chick flick Magic Mike w/ you & is one of only three men in the audience. You know you are loved when your husband  automatically sits down in the nearest chair (usually next to another bored husband) in a clothing store and says “take your time.” When your husband is dying for Mexican food but you want seafood (you’re feeling fat that day) and he says “whatever pleases you.”  The ultimate right guy?  When you travel to New York with your business partner who is single and he wants you to have fun.  How does he know you love him?  You visit Carnegie Deli, bring back a pound of corned beef, deli mustard, rye bread and pickles! And you carry it on the plane and don’t eat it!


The Single One

Hardware and Happy Hour! Forget the bars, restaurants and clubs. The new place to meet guys is Cole  Hardware on 4th and Market. A store busting with electricians, painters, and contractors – these men know how to get  the job done and they know how to use their tools!  Bonus,  also have happy hour on Thursday afternoon . This may be the place to meet a real “handy”man. Someone that really helps you – what a novel concept!!! With the Westfield mall across the street what’s more fun than shopping after cocktails?



Get Personal

Get Personal


The Single One

Bourbon Steak Restaurant – doesn’t that sound like a great place to meet men? I don’t know if my radar is off this week having been stood up twice. Is it the men we attract, places we meet them, or the new low level dating mentality? Is it because of living in San Francisco or is this a national problem? As shown on the O’Reilly Factor, the study done by Combos, indicates that for 2012 Oklahoma City is the manliest city in America. SF ranks 49th in meeting men. Oklahoma vs. SF 49 to 1. No one would take those odds betting on a football game. So perhaps we should be eating steak, drinking beer, playing golf and living in the Midwest!


The Married One 

TV or me? It starts and ends with programing a VCR. Why is it we can remember what we wore last week, what we ate, the last time we had sex, what he said that hurt our feelings (one month ago on a Tuesday at 7:30 PM) but can’t remember how to use the TV remote? I’m not saying all women are like this. But I think most are. Every time Ron tries to teach me I want to bang the remote over his head! Is it a male thing? There are 3 remotes, three different boxes (Cable, TV &  DVD) three pages of notes, and then that impatient voice. Their brain is wired differently. How many times does you husband ask where are we eating tonight (after you told him 7 times?) Maybe we should spend less time watching TV and more time in the bedroom. With the lights off!

Get Personal

Get Personal


The Married One

How far can you stretch the truth? “Almost ready, be right there, coat’s on, I’ll be just a minute, I’ll try this on really fast.” I honestly mean it. Of course they know (deep down) you’re not ready. Still in a bathrobe, one eyelash curled & haven’t even figured out what to wear! (who tries anything on fast?) As Ron says, airlines and theater won’t wait. Husbands do. So am I just blowing smoke? Pacifying him? You bet!


The Single One

What constitutes late night dating? It’s 11:30, I was coming in the other night and received a call asking to go out – wow! the generation gap. I am in for the night and others are just going out. So would this be a reason to date somewhat in your own generation? How limiting. That would just create another dating obstacle… perfect let’s just keep the challenges coming!