Park City, Utah Get Personal


The Single One

Single & Solo

Divorced & tossed back into the dating area… Chemistry, connection, fun factor high & great reparte –  all sounds good – somehow it is not enough these days. They all go into the dating abyss. What happens to them? In the speed world of dating… options are endless & fleeting. Your internet persona constantly judged. How many first date outfits do you need to purchase? If everyone continually moves one to the right – what finally happens? Does everyone remain single?


The Married One

Beersheet Israel

The perfect husband…is there such a thing?  You need the same elements as the single girl.  Chemistry, connection, companionship and one other very important thing – patience! Traveling together can be the ultimate test.  Packing, unpacking, undecipherable maps, getting lost, where to eat, what not to eat and most importantly -the ability for him to be patient while I shop! In that respect Ron is the perfect husband!



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