Zurich Get Personal


The Single One

Warm up Attire

Can you date someone with a different pace? Do opposites attract or is it really of like mind & pace? Two different paces. How would that work?  I’m ready to go and he’s sleeping. I have seen the look of exhaustion on their “date face.” I’m sure relaxation and sleep are a good way to re-vitalize the spirit – but not for me. Pace only matters if one person feels out of sinc. If one leads and the other follows effortlessly – that can be a pretty smooth balance.


The Married One

Agree to Disagree

The move… Moving and stress go hand in hand. What can test a marriage more? Most men are creatures of habit. When things are out of place they are lost. Who knew? Decisions like what to get rid of, (not your things of course) painting, furniture, electrical, contractors (he will become your new second husband) will wear you both down. Why didn’t you just stay where you were? Try not to forget this is fun & exciting. Stay tuned…next the sage burning!

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