Get Personal

The Single One

What do you wear on a first date? Maybe not a feathered skirt. I know what I like to wear, but what do guys really want you to wear? Think sexy, flirty, and fun. It usually means not too provocative (although I test that limit quickly.) You should show off your shape but you don’t need the low cut bondage look. (although that can be fun). The short skirt & cleavage revealing top are probably not the best first impression, try the slow reveal!!! They want to see skin, don’t want you to tumble over in 5 inch heels, and you can probably skip the turtleneck. What you wear matters, but what are they really thinking? What’s underneath???


 The Married One

What makes a marriage last? Let’s ask Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles. After 65 (yikes) years of marriage they ought to know! How many fights and how many “make up” sessions did they have have? The Queen said her secret to a long, happy marriage was ” having different interests.” That and the fact he has to walk two steps behind her! Now let’s think about this; she is a Queen and she is in charge. Mmmm… since I think I am a princess, do you think my prince will walk even one step behind me?

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