California Style – Fashion

Fashion, North America


We love to Shop.  We want to share our fashion & beauty favorites with you each week. You can buy these items – just hoping we don’t show up at the same party…

Barb’s favorites

                                         CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE


Sandy’s Favorites                CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE




 Beauty Favorites                 CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE


So much more – Home, Travel & Shopping


Shopping – California Style

Get Personal, North America, North America


How many times do you go into your closet and utter the words,”I have nothing to wear.” How is that possible with a closet full of clothes?  A great dress is hard to find. When you find it, you wear it over and over again. We love these classic easy to wear dresses. Always elegant, chic, and have longevity. They usually last longer than a man. Plus how easy  they are to fold and pack when traveling? Purchase our Wear2Where selections…






So much more…View our Fashion page



Fashion – Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Fashion, North America


Since we love to Shop, we want to share our fashion favorites with you each week. You can buy these items – just hoping we don’t show up at the same party…

Barb’s Favorites                            CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE



Sandy’s Favorites                       CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE




So much more… Home, Travel & Shopping