Bulgaria – Fashion

Europe, Fashion


We love to Shop and want to share our fashion favorites with you. This week features clothing to relax in while thinking about Spring. Vivid colors, mix your casual jeans with multi- colored sandals or cropped pants with heels and bright jewelry. You can buy all these items  right here.  Just hoping we don’t show up at the same party…


Barb’s Favorites                                                             

                                          CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE



Sandy’s Favorites

                                         CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE



Our Favorites

                                        CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE



So much more… Home, Travel & Shopping

LA – Fashion

Fashion, North America


We love to Shop and want to share our fashion favorites with you. This week features clothing to relax in while you are on business. Don’t forget, it always looks good carrying business books! You can buy these items – just hoping we don’t show up at the same party or business meeting…


Barb’s Favorites                           CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE



Sandy’s Favorites                      CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE



                                                        CLICK PICTURE TO PURCHASE



So much more… Home, Travel & Shopping



LA – Shopping

Get Personal, North America


How do you get dressed in the morning and look perfect for night? Day into evening attire that works for meetings, appropriate for cocktails, &  business dinners are challenging. Best solution- mix and match your pieces so you will have unlimited choices. So easy to say, so hard to do! We know these outfits below will help you out!







So much more…view our fashion page