Swimming Pools Get Personal – August 6th


The Single One

Wrap it Up

What’s in the single girls’ refrigerator? Not much. Expired milk, last week’s Whole Foods chicken, shriveled grapes and tomatoes. What inspires you to buy groceries? A first date! You need to be ready for a 2:00 a.m. snack or the early morning snack. What’s most important to purchase? Wine and Champagne. You need different champagne for the morning mimosa and another champagne for the evening greeting. Of course, candles and flowers for the few items you have purchased. Let’s hope that enhances date night!!! Maybe it leads to a weekend getaway.


The Married One

Swimming with Fishes

Togetherness – Can there be too much in a married relationship? Do you share every single thought with him? That’s why we have girlfriends. Are you attached at the hip? Fish swim together for safety reasons. For couples, “swimming” together spells danger. Ron has a favorite saying – “How can I miss you if you won’t go away?” A little mystery is good for a marriage. A vacation for couples is great but we all need space & attention. So when he goes off fishing w/the guys, you go shopping w/the girls. Happily together you both share what you’ve caught and bought!



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