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The Married One

Waiting for Prince Charmong

The Married One

Tricks for Hotter Sex – Other than maybe on a couples vacation do you remember lust, desire, foreplay? If you’re single it’s new & exciting; if married, not so much. How do you stoke the fire? We all want a Prince Charming & live in a castle. Here are helpful hints of what not to do – Refrain from saying “I told you so, I have a headache or I’m not in the mood.” It’s hard to get him up when you put him down! How about changing the picture? Try phone sex, a new location, a fur coat (nothing underneath works wonders) or even rub his feet.  The whole point is…





The Single One


Kick It Up

CC = Chemistry + Connection! It seemed to be there, all the qualities you want. One thing is missing – the guy! Where did he go? The laughter, attraction, & the wit are all present. In the dating world if you think you found it w/ someone why doesn’t he want to be with you? Could be an ex-wife is still looming. Could be an ex-girlfriend is still present. Could just be he is emotionally unavailable. Why??? So he retreats? The elusive one – maybe the hardest one to engage. But in the world of dating optimism maybe it will reignite a romantic weekend getaway!!!


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