Get Personal


The Married One 

Time to Relax

I look relaxed don’t I? Not! Let me tell you about Saturday night in the country. A glass of wine, a fire, all of a sudden BUZZ. Remember the movie “The Swarm?” Bees, hundreds, descended from the fireplace. How you react tells you a lot about your relationship. Armed w/a fly swatter, Ron fought back while I did the intelligent thing. Found “Bee Conscious”on line, pleaded & at 8:51 PM Chris came, ladder, vacuum, mask & bee box in hand. “Bees are like sex, said Chris, “you never forget the first time!” And hopefully for me there won”t be be a second time!


The Single One

Playing in Chicago

The physical and emotional unavailable guys – there should be a “Beware Sign.” They live out of state, still in 22 year marriages- sad, lonely and unfulfilled marriages, but can’t leave. Others have girlfriends – not just girlfriends -live in girlfriends. Or they are divorced and really never left the wife. How do you detect them before being seduced? Not easy. They have mastered the skill of elusiveness. If you rule out all these guys, who is left? The available guy that you should want but don’t. Are we addicted to the elusive behavior or really not able to find the sexy stable guy?

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