Get Personal


The Married One…

We talk to our cat or dog like they are humans. We love them. We tell them our problems, ask if they like our outfits and snuggle up close at night. You know what they hear?  Blah, blah,  fish, blah, blah, dog bone! Does your husband listen? Really listen? Why is it he only hears what he wants? The trouble with men is that they listen with their ears, the trouble with women is that they talk with their hearts. When a woman says “words cannot express what I feel, she means it.” What a man hears is blah, blah, blah, Yea! Sex!


The Single One…

Sunday Night Single at Whole Foods. This is so depressing. First you have to start with the mini cart. Then you get the “little chicken.” You have to buy everything in the small plastic containers. A severe single jolt. My cart was laden with carbs – is that the comfort food concept for being single or the new healthy diet plan? You can also dine while you grocery shop, it makes you feel like you’re not eating alone. Or – just get glazed donuts and call it a night.







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