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Single & Married – Always a Challenge!

There is a old saying: Women marry men thinking they can change them and they never can; men marry women thinking they won’t change and they always do. We’re happy when we finally find our partner, one whose faults we think are cute, quirky, endearing &  jokes are hysterical. Wow, the minute you say “I do” why does all this disappear? What enticed you initially are now the same things that bother the hell out of you. Ladies, we’re guilty, too. Do you sneak into the bathroom before he awakens to put on your mascara? Do you still bring him coffee in bed? Or prepare that perfect home cooked meal? NO! Let’s face it, the only thing constant is change. How else can a 20 year marriage survive? Please Contact Us & become part of the married girls’ club.


The married math equation is constant = change. What is the single math equation? All about ambivalence! When you are dating and someone asks, “what are qualities you would look for in a partner?” I used to think I had a savvy answer sexy, smart and witty. Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Well, now you have to think about ambivalence before dating qualities. First, what is their gender preference? Next – Is he married? That doesn’t mean time off for good behavior and available on Thursday and Friday, it means – is he really married? Especially if you date outside of your zip code. How do you know? Who would have thought that ambivalence = the single math equation.



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