Get Personal Valencia


The Married One

Party Night

Infidelity – A love story! How do you tell if your husband is cheating? Is that really the question to ask or should you be asking why would he? Perhaps “she” can bring him pleasure while you can only cause him real pain! Infidelity is a one liner, marriage is a sitcom. Enough episodes will keep it in syndication forever! There is only one sure cure for infidelity… make sure he never changes the channel!


The Single One

Color Blast

Boyfriend, friend or hook up? Your friends keep asking who he is, where he is & how come we haven’t met him. Is that because we don’t know how to categorize him? If you never go anywhere and sex is part of every meeting – what do you think that means? No one has ever met each other’s friends. You see him exclusively on weekdays and there are no plans ever made in advance. Subtle clues that he is not boyfriend material. Of course the question is…. can your hook up turn into a boyfriend?

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