Get Personal


The Single One

Do you want the sparkle?

Do we need the “Spark” le in our dates. If so, how soon – the first date? Or do you give him a second or third date? Are we so focused on the “Sparkle” that we are willing to overlook his kindness, availability, & thoughtfulness. Do we need drama in order to maintain our interest? Wow – when can we ever get it right? The magic combination of heart throb and availability. Do we pass by the really good guys up & stay with the losers? And then complain to our girlfriends about them not calling, not showing up, and treating us badly. How much”sparkle” is required to sustain our single girl interest?

A little help can’t hurt!

The Married One

Sharing a Moment

During a marriage you are bound to hit a couple of rough patches. You begin to reassess. What do we have in common? He loves Chinese and Mexican food and your idea of ethnic is a trip to Southern Italy! He is a political junkie and you are fashion obsessed. You love yoga and workout & he well… just doesn’t. Then you remember. You finish each other’s sentences, he is your best friend, playmate and protector. Plus he makes the best cappuccino and  brings it to you in bed). You are in this marriage together and you wouldn’t have it any other way.


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