Get Personal


Who’s got your back?












Married or single we need girlfriends to lean on. Whether gossiping (we never do that!), exchanging beauty tips, revealing insecurities, shopping excursions (honestly do I look fat?), sexual escapades (you did what!) Close girlfriends come in small numbers, if you are lucky. Can we ask our boyfriends /husbands the following things?  What should I wear, let’s discuss the thong issue (yes, it hurts) did you buy new mascara, face cream, shoes…. should I tell him the truth, sexual positions (girls, we all talk about sex) and a million other things. Even with personality differences, we all want a really good friend to empathize with us. There is a saying, “Friends are allowed to f…and we’re still friends. Please contact us and share your favorite friendship stories.



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